Burundian Office for the Environmental Protection



CHM Burundi November 20, 2019

Le Centre d'Echange d'Information du Burundi sur la Diversité Biologique

The Clearing House Mechanism (CHM) under the Convention (CBD) is an information exchange instrument designed to promote and facilitate technical and scientific cooperation with a view to achieving the three objectives of the Convention namely:

– The conservation of biological diversity;
– The sustainable use of its elements and
– Fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use of natural resources.

The CHM also plays an important role in raising public awareness for the implementation of these three CBD objectives. It provides a multitude of online data and documents on the Convention, thematic programmes, reference publications as well as direct access to numerous websites at regional, national and international level.

The development of the CHM is the result of recommendations from the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA), decisions of the Conference of the Parties (COP), and input from regional working groups and meetings experts such as the Informal Advisory Committee (IAC).

Who are the beneficiaries ?

The benefits are multi-directional:
1. All national and international public;
2. The local population;
3. National and international organizations;
4. CBD Contracting Parties;
5. Other developing countries;
6. Industrialized countries

Clearing-house structure in Burundi

The Burundi Clearinghouse is built around 5 axes, namely:

The Convention: This item provides information related to the Convention on Biological Diversity. It develops links leading to the texts of the Convention on Biological Diversity and to the clearinghouse of the CBD Secretariat.

Biodiversity: On this point, we provide information on Burundi, its biodiversity, but also we present some studies, projects and other activities carried out in the field of biodiversity. Various documents are available to you on this same point.

Implementation: This is the point that talks about the main results achieved by Burundi in the implementation of the Convention.

Cooperation: This point illustrates various actions carried out within the framework of bilateral and multilateral cooperation. It highlights the institutions, organizations, associations, etc. both national and international supporting Burundi in the implementation of the objectives of the Convention. We also present related projects.

Information and links: As in the other axes retained in this clearinghouse, we multiply links always providing information on biodiversity but also on sustainable development.

CHM-Burundi is therefore your everyday partner to play a key role in technical and scientific cooperation between the contracting parties of the Convention and other development partners. This center will always offer you news to your satisfaction.

The tasks of the CHM-Burundi are as follows:

* inform about the Convention on Biological Diversity and its implementation in Burundi;
* provide a lot of information on the status of biodiversity at the national level, such as species, ecosystems and habitats, in-situ and ex-situ conservation, threats to biodiversity, the environment as a whole, etc. ;
* Raising awareness for the application of national biodiversity strategies and action plans;
* promote technical and scientific cooperation, as well as the sharing of knowledge with the Contracting Parties to the Convention;
* Etc.